A Wonderful Combination of Textures brought Life to Bliss

From spring scarves 2012

From spring scarves 2012

A photo of Bliss as she was just getting started on the loom. I think that it's pretty cool to see their personality emerge by the time that they are complete.

From spring scarves 2012

From spring scarves 2012

Scarf Stats:

Name: Bliss
Started: 2/8/2012
Finished: 2/10/2012


Bliss surprised me every step of the way. She began when I traveled to the Mannings ( a yarn store) to purchase some yarn for another scarf, while I was browsing, there was one cone of yarn that practially jumped into my hand. I hadn't planned on purchasing more than one cone, but it seemed that I had no choice.

From spring scarves 2012

So I came home and decided to start weaving with my new purchase. I first thought that Bliss wanted to have some metal, but she just didn't seemed to be convinced of that idea, however she was letting me know that she wanted some extra flair along one of her edges, we discussed what this would look like as I wove her.

From spring scarves 2012

Finally she directed my gaze to the wall where a piece that I've been working on was hanging. She wanted the same type of edge that this piece had. And so it was decided, Bliss would have a free form, crocheted edge. As I began working on this part, I knew that Bliss had made the right choice, it looked great.

From spring scarves 2012

After the crocheted edge was complete I draped her on the manniquin to decide if she was finished, but she had one more request. She wanted a bit more texture. So I used the knifty knitter, to give her a little tube to hold all of her braides together, and as the tube went on, Bliss went silent, and calm washed over the room. I looked out the window at the wonderful snow falling, and felt Blissful, and that is how Bliss received her name.
From spring scarves 2012
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