How an Infinity scarf named Mazea was born

From spring scarves 2012

Scarf Stats:
Name: Mazea
Started: 2/2/212
Finished: 2/4/2012
Time that it Took: Watched
- The Beaver
-All about Steve
-1/2 of Yes Man
Materials: Cotton and Wool Blend Yarn

From spring scarves 2012

Mazea started out being fairly quiet, and developed more of a voice as the process continued. I didn't have much of a plan as to what colors I was going to use for this piece, but I saw a blue green cone of yarn sitting on the shelf, and it seemed to speak to me. For whatever reason ( it comes from my mom) I enjoy finishing cones of yarn. Perhaps it's because it's one less thing for me to keep organized, or it's because it one cone closer to me allowing myself to go yarn sharping. But for whatever reason I wanted to use this cone, because I knew that I would use all of the yarn.
From spring scarves 2012

As I was warping the yarn, I did finish the cone, but I still needed more. As the one thing that I knew about Mazea at this point was that she wanted to be extra wide. So I walked over and once again stood in front of my shelves of yarn, waiting for something to call out, and the bright green spoke up. I was beginning to get excited about this piece.

From spring scarves 2012

As I dressed the loom, Mazea had yet to inform me of what color yarn she wanted me to weave with, and then with a quiet whisper she gently reminded me , of a wonderfull soft cone of yarn, with the perfect color to complete her. I was thrilled, I had totally forgotten that I even had the yarn.

From spring scarves 2012

And together we worked for the next several hours. Mazea was content with the colors, and therefore we began the conversation as to how to finish her. My plan was to add some metal to her, but so often the scarf does not care what my plan is, they normally know much better than I do. So she talked me out of the metal. I then thought that she wanted some of the metal findings on her, as I had the perfect colors. But once again, with a bit of frustration in her voice she said "no". Hmmm, I was really having trouble understanding her.

From spring scarves 2012

And then I got the message, she wanted to be totally different, she wanted to be the first of a new design. And she wanted me to use the knifty knitter. And so she got a nice bright pink tube from the knifty knitter to help hold all of her wonderful braids together, and to add some fun color to her.
And she was happy, she smiled kindly at me, and went silent.

From spring scarves 2012

However at this point, she still needed a name. So I set down beside her, hoping that she would give me some hints. I began to notice that the tassels draping over the shoulder of the mannique were calling my name. They began to remind me of the silk on an ear of corn, but I couldn't name her corn. I then thought of the spanish word for corn, maze. I was getting close she told me, but it needed a femine flair. In Spanish the feminine form of words end in the letter "a". So I decided to add an "a" to the end, and she was happy.

Mazea is now waiting for a home, you can adopt her here:

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