I am a high school art teacher, and currently we are disuccsing why art, craft, and creative thought are an important part of life and society. For a homework assignment my students must ask 15 people why they believe that art is important, and then record the anwsers to share with the class. When possible I try to do the assignments that I give my students, as they respond much better when they see that their teacher is doing what she is asking them to do. So I need your help, leave a comment explaining why you think that art, craft, and creative thought are important, I will then take the comments and create a running post. Please also ask your friends to stop by and leave their comments, my goal is to have at least 100 comments by tomorrow to share with my students.!

Here are some creative people, enjoy!


Missy-Ellen said...

I believe art and creativity are vital to a healthy existence! Some of us are creatively-orientated and the best way to express ourselves is through the works that we produce! If we can't do this, it's like we can't show people who we really are! Art gives a little insight into the minds of those who might seem quiet or withdrawn. Or, to those who are extroverted in nature, art is a way to really see another side to their personality. Good question to ask :)

Diane McLauchlan said...

So many societies, ours included, have become so wrapped up in progress and success that we often don't find time to "smell the roses".

Art and creativity help provide relief from our day to day stresses, encourage self-expression, allow the imagination to wander and, in some forms, connect us with our past. The benefits of stress relief are vital to our well-being, self-expression reminds us that we are worth being, imagination has been the source for nearly every invention known to man, and connecting with our pasts helps remind us who we are.

All in all, I believe that art and creativity are essential to being human.




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icwhatsgoingonhere said...

I believe art and creativity are vital to a healthy existence! Some of us are creatively-orientated and the best way to express ourselves is through the works that we produce! If we can't do this, it's like we can't show people who we really are! Art gives a little insight into the minds of those who might seem quiet or withdrawn. Or, to those who are extroverted in nature, art is a way to really see another side to their personality. Good question to ask :)

Diane McLauchlan said...

So many societies, ours included, have become so wrapped up in progress and success that we often don't find time to "smell the roses".

Art and creativity help provide relief from our day to day stresses, encourage self-expression, allow the imagination to wander and, in some forms, connect us with our past. The benefits of stress relief are vital to our well-being, self-expression reminds us that we are worth being, imagination has been the source for nearly every invention known to man, and connecting with our pasts helps remind us who we are.

All in all, I believe that art and creativity are essential to being human.

paula lewis said...

Without art and creativity, there would be no civilization, period. Inventions, discoveries, progress in all practical areas of life are sprung from the out-of-the box free-thinking of someone whose imagination exceeds present reality. Art is not a luxury, it is essential.

Anonymous said...

I remember learning about Maslow's hierarchy of needs in high school, which I think can be summarized by saying we have different levels of existence starting with survival and culminating in self-fulfillment. When we have our basic needs met, we are free to indulge in creativity and can reach this self-realization. Expressing yourself through art is a way to establish your identity and discover hidden talents and perspectives. We can also learn about each other be seeing how other artists view their world. Art and craft are a tremendously important aspect of recording history, just think of the cave drawings. It is a way to preserve our culture for future generations.
Best of luck tomorrow, Amber.