From april 2012 |
I'm feeling heavy, overwhelmed
Overwhelmed with what I"m not sure
Making a poor attempt to keep things in perspective
understanding that fear is pointless
Knowing that we must try,
do our best, and trust
Trust in God
Trust Ourselves
Trust Life
And then, just let go
Why do I hold on so tight
Why filter
Why wear the mask
Just be True
Just be Free
Just be You
We are far more than we realize, and far more than we allow ourselves to be
We get stuck in the routine
stuck in negativity
Stuck in fear of the unknown
But if we were to just release
really let go
We could fly
Our minds have the ability to solve great problems if we let them work instead of busying them with the nothingness of what we call life
There are a lot of us that aren't really living
We shy away from the fullness of life
From april 2012 |
Our days should be about letting go instead of holding on
Days should be measured by how much love and joy we brought into the world and not by how many mediocre tasks we crossed off of our list
Instead of listing
pay bills
do laundry
answer email
-compliment someone
-do something unexpected
-be kind
-stop, stand still, look, really see what is around you
-be thankful for the smallest and biggest things
-learn something new
- trust
The List Book
A studio project born out of our love of making lists and getting ourselves organised. The idea had been around for a long time and in several different guises before we managed to bring it to life. It’s broken down into 4 time-based list styles from the immediate — To Remember, to our equivalent of a bucket list — To Do: Someday. We used an open bind so that the book would open nice and flat and stay open while you work. It’s finished with a wipe clean dust jacket with foil-blocked pen and highlighter.
Source: via Heath on Pinterest
This one made me laugh, as I'm pretty sure there are a lot of people out there including myself, that add things to the list that they've already done, so that they can cross them off.
From april 2012 |
I hope that everyone adds at least one fun important and new thing to their list today!
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