I just stumbled across the wonderful tapestry work by Silvia Heyden. I myself have only dabbled in tapestry work, but find it really interesting and beautiful. I hope to have time to study it in the future. I don't know about you, but there is so much that I want learn, read, do, see. I have no idea how I'm ever going to go to it all. But at least I"m not bored... right?
I totally love the color and movement in this piece. It's so wonderful.
The difference between weaving and tapestry:
information from : http://www.cnch.org/cnchnet/summer-2011/tapestry-101/
The simplest answer is that tapestry is intended to be hung on a wall as a (rectangular) piece of art. However, “tapestry technique” has been developed in many cultures of the world to create Kashmiri shawls, Navajo rugs, and Kilim rugs. Tapestry has also been used to create useful items, such as bags and purses, pillow covers, and many others.
Traditional tapestry is rectangular, flat-woven, “weft faced” (the warp does not show), and non-embellished (no beads or embroidery added), and the design is produced by “discontinuous wefts”, where there can be many changes of weft color across a single row of weaving. Tapestry weaving is generally not woven “row by row” across the width of the piece but, rather, by shapes or colors as the design progresses.
Traditional tapestry weaving utilizes only two sheds. A beater is not required, as the weft is beaten down by hand, preferably with a weighted fork, such as brass. The tension of the warp needs to be much tighter, and hence the warp needs to be much stronger (such as seine twine).
To read more: http://www.cnch.org/cnchnet/summer-2011/tapestry-101/
Silvia Heyden _ Tapestry "Weaverly Current"
Source: americantapestryalliance.org via Amber on Pinterest
Source: americantapestryalliance.org via Amber on Pinterest
images from : http://www.americantapestryalliance.org/Education/Ed_Ar/HeydenS/filmreview.html Pin It
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