From spring scarves 2012 Scarf Stats: Started" 2/4/2012 Finished: 2/7/2012 Watched while I created: 1/2 of Yes Man - Married Life -Living Till the End Materials: Cotton and Wool blend yarn Scarf style: Infinity Scarf |
From spring scarves 2012 Willow wasn't very a very talkative textile, she knew that she wanted to be like her sister Mazea, and was very cooperative. Since Willow seemed to be happy with how she was turning out, she began to discuss ideas with me for other scarves. She told me that she thought that it would be fun if I created a series of scarves that focused on color theory. For example I would weave a scarf all green, and then use the complimentary color of red and embroider a circle on the piece. I thought that this sounded like an interesting idea, but haven't had time to play with it yet. |
From spring scarves 2012 As Willow came off of the loom, she expressed that she wanted a pop of color. So I decided to use the knifty knitter, and create a colorful tube to hold all of her wonderful braids. AT this point she still didn't have a name. Most of the scarves don't get a name until the very end of the process. As I sat and looked, Willow whisper her name. The yarn ends hanging down her side reminded me of a Weeping Willow Tree. |
From spring scarves 2012 I've loved Willow Trees every since I was young, however I'm not exactly sure why. I'm the youngest out of all of my cousins on my mom's side, and when we were kids, they older ones along with my older brother enjoyed playing tricks on me. We were at my grandmother's house, playing by a stream. There was a Willow tree ( it was dead) hanging over the stream. My brother expressed that he thought that it would be fun to swing across the stream on the hanging branches of the tree. They convinced me that I should test it first because I was the lightest. So of course I did, and as I went swinging across the steam, the branch broke and I fell in. My brother and cousins were thrilled. |
Willow would look good with this shirt
A pair of jeans, and these shoes
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