How to: Inkle Loom

While I use a large floor loom to create all of my designs, there are a lot of variations on the loom, some larger than others and some far more complex. The inkle loom is a rather simple piece, and is easy to transport, but is limiting in both the size and complexity of the piece that you are creating. The inkle loom is good for creating straps, long thin pieces. It is also only capable of doing a tabby weave, which basically means the over under motion that most of us learn when we are first learning how to weave. 


A definition and brief history of inkle weaving
'Inkle' is the Old English word for a linen band or drawstring. The word "inkle" has been in use in the English language for over 400 years with various spellings.

If you are considering purchasing and or building an Inkle loom, below are two great instruction videos, that should help you to better understand the process. 

Great video to learn how to set up your inlke loom

This is an excellent video that shows how to use your inkle loom from start to finish.
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