Take time to be Aware of your Blessings

I've been so busy lately, with teaching, craft shows, and grad school, that I think I was missing a lot of the wonderful little things that were taking place around me. But the excited energy from one of my classes yesterday, seemed to snap me back into reality and make me aware of lifes little blessings. This year I have had the opportunity to pass my love for crocheting along to many of my students. It has been a blessing to share this art form with them. I have no children and don't plan to , my students are my children, and it was wonderful when they truely want to learn something so important to me. I am blessed that parents shared their children with me everyday.

I am taking students on a field trip today, and yesterday as they left the classroom, they cheered that today we would be spending the whole day together. I am blessed that I have been able to form a connection with these teenagers that makes them glad to spend a whole day with me.

And this morning as the alarm went off ( something that normally does not put me in a good mood) I stopped for a moment and once again realized that I was blessed. My dog was curled up snoring between my husband and I, and the cat was curled in a bundle in the next room.

I'm going to make an effort to stop more often, take a few moments to breath in the extreme buisness of life, to make sure that I don't miss what life is all about, because I'm trying to get another thing checked off of the list.

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