Posting Schedule

I"m working on creating a schedule for the postings on my blog, and will do my very best to keep up. Here's the plan.
Mondays: I'll share a little bit about me, what I did that week and hopefully some fun photos.

Tuesdays: As an art teacher , I am very passionate about art education, my goal is to share some information about art education, or different art classes that are being offered. If you are someone that offeres any type of art related class, please feel free to send me a submission for this post @

Wednesdays: I"ll share my work with you

Thursdays: I"ll share anything that I have found inspirational over the week.

Fridays: I"ll share an etsy shop with you. If you have a shop on etsy and would like to be featured on the blog , please contact me. I am looking for high quality photos, and a shop that deals with fiber, textiles, yarn, felting, anything of that sort. Please email your submission to  with the subject line etsy submission. Pin It

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