Revealing your Creativity " " I mean the fact that art consists of limitation; the fact that art is limitation. Art does not consist in expanding things. Art consists of cutting things down."
Creativity is revealed.
Art is found within the medium.
Ideas are released during the process.
You need to watch this Video it brought tears to my eyes and warmed my heart. It's amazing to see people doing what they were meant to do. The man is terrifed, and turns into this amazing into control and confident person as soon as he starts singing.
Why Teaching Rules the You Economy
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I was really excited to listen to this interview. Some notes that I wrote down:
" Those that will succeed are the people that learn how to adapt."
There are 4 levels to teaching:
1. information
2. experience
3. story
4. transmission
Teaching is about connection and community
The teacher is only one part of the puzzle.
I must admit I almost fell out of my chair when she mentioned that she makes $250,000 a year teaching.
When saying Yes to Others means Saying No to Yourself
I did a guest post on a great blog called Creatives, you should go and check it out, and be sure to comment , I would love to hear your thoughts.
What great stories, or videos did you come across this week?
I am a high school teacher working in the public school system and have a strong desire to change the face of education. Too many students are being left behind, as well as the way that we teach and the tools that are used and years behind the rest of the world. Schools are still focused on information, and rarely move onto experience, story, and transmission
Do you think that the schools where your students attend are going beyond information?
When saying Yes to Others means Saying No to Yourself
I did a guest post on a great blog called Creatives, you should go and check it out, and be sure to comment , I would love to hear your thoughts.
What great stories, or videos did you come across this week?
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