Transition is hard, and today I find myself in the midst of many transitions. My husband and I just arrived home from our last vacation for the summer, and teaching high school art begins in just 1 short day.
These are all good things, however the transition is challenging, and often sends me into a depressed state of mind. The change from waking up to a morning in a new place, to a day filled with whatever comes our way, to a day at home, a quiet day, an empty house, this is a challenge .
I'm inspired and excited to create again, but taking those first steps into the studio ,after being away, is always hard .
Teaching art to teenagers is a wonderful gift, they come with great challenges and energy, however the switch from the total freedom of the summer to the structure of the school year is a transition.
I was reminded by a wonderful friend, "to change perspective, nothing ends, it just moves into the next phase. There is good stuff ahead."Paula Lewis
Changing perspective from the challenge of transition to Thankfulness for all opportunities.
I am thankful for the time, money and ability to travel to amazing places.
I am thankful for a home to come home too with my husband, dog and cat
I am thankful for my students
I am thankful for my ability to teach
I am thankful for summer, for the change of pace
I am thankful for my studio and the way that my work challenges me
I am thankful for the people that support me
How do you transition from one phase of your life to the next?
What you are thankful for?
This is a video to listen to. I recorded the sounds of the coqui (tree frogs of Puerto Rico) I just loved the sound. They spend their days in the trees and transition to the ground in the night for survival. Transition is essential to a full life. Pin It
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