I've been told and I've told others that being joyful is a choice. However as I awoke to the heavy weight of my body, to the anchor of my sadness that seemed determined to reach the bottom. Joy didn't seem like a choice.
But in my heavy stillness I couldn't ignore the whispering, asking me to choose joy. To choose joy for my students. So I started the day with goal to help my students to have a joyful day.
I covered the table with toys, students filled their pockets with toys, and as we marched out into the sunshine, watching them play brought a smile to my face.
We headed to the playground. I decided to skip, the students began to laugh as they watched me skip across the field to the swing set. I promptly sat on a swing and felt myself become light again as my hair blew in the wind and I let go.
That's really what it's all about. Letting go.
Sending troubles, tears, fears, into the air, letting the wind carry them for you.
Why as we get older do we commit to letting go of our childhood. Why do we stop swinging, skipping, jumping in puddles?
So my challenge to do you today is LET GO. Enjoy life. Run, skip, be bright, be light.
source unknown
Interesting TED talk by Tim Brown on Creativity and Play.
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