Miss Marla was a total surpise. When I started working on her she was going to be a custom order, however as we worked she clearly was not into being a custom order, she had very different plans, so I went with it. And figured I would do the order after this infinity scarf( which I did).
As I was working with Marla I thought that she wanted to be finished with snaps, but that just didn't seem to be the plan, however I also had no clue what the actual plan was... let's be honest, there was no plan at all. So I folded her, laid on the table and moved on.
Sometimes the scarves need a rest, they don't always get finished right when they come off of the loom, it took me some time to accept this, to allow for flexibility, to allow imcompleteness, while understanding that the piece wouldn't always been incomplete, but it needed more time.
I think that a lot of life is that way. We have created our own time table, what our life should look like, where we should be at certain age, how much money we should be making, what kind of house we should be living in. But just becuase you aren't where you thought that you would be, doesn't mean that's wrong. It's just not time.
So a few days later Marla spoke up, she wanted gold chain, she wanted to have style, she wanted to be fun and sassy to wear, and so that's what we did. What a better, more playful result, than had I refused to wait, refused to pay attention, refused to see what was right in front of me.
Whether you're creating your or not, slow down, pay attention, really look, really listen. You will be wonderully surprised by all of the beauty that is around you.
source: From
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