From april 2012 |
The creators life can be heavy because they are highly aware of all that is around them. As the rest of the world is able to live life with blinders. The artist takes it all in and carries it, then desperately tries to make it beautiful and presents it to the world, in a nicer, easier to carry package.
Lately I've been more aware of the weight that creating can bring, and the weight that this is able to lift. I haven't spent much time in the studio over the last few weeks. And the little time that I did have, I just couldn't seem to get myself to make anything. It's hard to explain, there was a part of me that really wanted to create, and another part that just wanted to go to bed.
However this weekend, I decided that I was going to get back into the studio, and spend the day creating. I did have some trouble getting started, I was really distracted, and kept doing other things instead of making. When I finally got into the grove of things it felt so good. Ideas starting flowing and I couldn't work fast enough. I was back to the point of never wanting to leave the studio. And there in lies the other challenge, once I fully open the doors to creating, the scarves want my undivided attention all of the time, which is challenging , since I still need to go to work, exercise, spend time with my husband, family and friends.
From april 2012 |
I was so thankful that Brandi brought my creative side back to life, and starting talking to me. My first plan was to weave her with just the orange thread, but she quickly sprung to life and started throwing other ideas out there, so then the blue and white were added. However, finally at the end she requested a totally different texture. It brought back memories of my blankie when I was a child. I loved rubbing the soft sateen edges on my face. There's something about really soft fabrics that is so soothing. Finally Brandi requested a shell crocheted edge, which I was happy to do. I was having so much fun working with here that I didn't want it to end.
From april 2012 |
For me Brandi became a protector. She knew that I needed to get back into the studio, that I needed to create. She also knew that it needed to be a kind gentle reemergence back into the studio space. There is something about all scarves that make me feel safe, remind me of protection. I know that it's silly, it's just a soft piece of fabric, but it's their soft and gentle weight on my shoulders that makes me feel like someone is with me, and adds a nice sense of being held.
From april 2012 |
As Brandi reminded me of strength and protection, I decided to look up the strength of a woven structure. Without doing a ton of research I came across this website which I found really interesting. Read more here
Today's most advanced medical devices are benefiting from the lightweight strength and manufacturing flexibility of woven structures. With a variety of geometries possible through the engineering process, increasing numbers of manufacturers are looking to woven materials utilizing finer fabrics to meet the performance and functional requirements of devices for a wide range of therapeutic indications, including cardiovascular and orthopedic applications.
How it works:
A variety of woven styles are possible, from single plain patterns to thicker, stronger or shaped multidimensional weaves. A high tenacity means they are dense without being heavy, and are able to hold shape for support or replacement functions that must maintain original form. This thickness and strength – without the stretch of knitted or braided fabrics – allows for a structure well-suited to precise specifications.
From april 2012 |
From april 2012 |
From april 2012 |
Some other accessories that would look great with this scarf:
buy here
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