Concept of a Genius and Finding Joy

I don't know about you, but I've never even come close to thinking of myself, or even very many of the people around me as geniuses. However, after reading the book Awakening the Genius in your classroom, my whole understanding of what defines a genius changed. The Author, Thomas Armstrong defines a genius as

“come into being, and give birth to one’s joy”

Right then and there I fell in love. I read and reread that defintion.  "giving birth to one's joy." I was so connected to that phrase, as my goal for each and every thing that I create is that I experience true joy while creating the piece, and that the viewer is able to catch a glimpse of my joy in my work. Finally ,extending joy to the costumer who wraps themselves in one of my accessories, and walks away with a light heart, and a big smile.

My work "gives birth to my joy"

find this print here:

Wow, does that mean that I"m a genius? I would say that in the terms of Armstrong, yes I am, or I"m at least making progress in that direction. Our understanding of "genius" has evolved throughout history, to a term that has become ellusive, and a goal that so few can ever hope to reach. But Armstrong presents us all with some hope.  Armstrong lists twelve characteristics that define someone as being a genius: curiosity, playfulness, imagination, creativity, wonder, wisdom, inventiveness, vitality, sensitivity, flexibility, and joy.

Each one of the above qualities, leads to discovery of both yourself, and new ideas. So start today with the thought that you have the potential to be a genius, if you are willing to take a hard look at yourself and allow  yourself   to ; "come into being and give birth to your joy."

 "come into being, and give birth to your joy."
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