Who is Amber Kane owner of Fabricatedends

Amber Kane’s creative process starts in her head. She lets ideas simmer; working out potential kinks and allowing the projects develop in her mind. When she can no longer contain it, she then gets busy with the actual handcrafting of the piece.

Kane has, even as a child, loved art, experimentation, and process. She learned the basics of knitting and embroidery from her grandmother. When she took her first weaving class, while attending Messiah College, studying Art Education, Amber found her childhood love of yarn rekindled to a roaring fire.

After purchasing her own loom, Kane attempted to follow patterns in a book, but was unsatisfied. When she walked away from patterns and rules and began to play, she found her artistic voice. She is fearless, abandoning many of the traditional rules of weaving, finding joy in the movement of the warp strings as they wrap around the take-up beam.

“I’ve always loved the process of creating, rules and patterns were holding me back. The freedom of just creating is liberating.”

Kane’s current work is a marriage of scarf and necklace. The scarves are woven and then braided with other embellishments, creating the perfect blend of cozy neckwear and cutting edge style.

About her work, she says, “I’m never sure where it’s going. I try to listen to myself and to the materials and see what happens.”

What happens is spectacular. Pin It

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