My week

The last two weeks have been extremely busy and I have not completed nearly as many projects as I had hoped to. At school we just began a new semester, bringing a whole new group of teenagers through my door. It is also fun to get to know the students and see the work that they create throughout the semester. This semester I am teaching, darkroom photography, jewerly/metals, and sculpture. The variety of classes does keep my day from ever getting boring, as I am always teaching new and different techniques.

So far today I woke up later than I wanted to, but still early, responded to email, went swimming, wrote lessons on the board, made up a sculpture packet, and will welcome my students into my room in about 20 minutes. This evening I hope to go home, walk the dog, play with the cat, finish the scarf that is on my loom, photograph 2 scarves, photograph the envelops that I am making, and update my blog with new pictures. We'll see if that all happens. I tend to have grand plans in the morning, and as they day goes on my plans seem more and more daunting and much less fun then they seemed in the morning after two cups of coffee. I hope you all have a wonderful creative day! Pin It

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